This is a very easy project to practice how to mix colours - in a fun way.
First we used a simple worksheet i have prepared to practice the mixing of three basic colours: red, blue and yellow.
Although little Bear already knew what is the result of mixing those colours, he still enjoyed the task and it is especially interesting for younger Bears who will learn this for the first time.
After this, we played a game, that he could mix any colours he wished and painted those on a spreadsheet, which he liked the most. He used a simple white sheet to try and experience different mixes, then used the favourites on a final paper. Once ready, he named his colours, and this is the funniest, creative bit.
He named them in Hungarian, so here are a few examples translated:
Clown-nose red, Gr-gr-green, Mauve cottoned, Yellow Mr Clown, Sunset blue, little Bear's favourite colour...
Download and print out the spreadsheets, enjoy the mixing and send your favourite colours to us, so we can share them here on the blog under "Your work'!