We planned to do something interesting with our great amount of cardboard tubes we collected in the last two - three years. The only problem we had that there was no crafting paper at home, so we decided to make our own.
We took a few old magazines and searched for bigger spots of flat colours. Later we found some interesting patterns, so collected them as well and arranged all of them by grouping similar colours.
Actually, at the beginning Bear had some hesitation about the whole thing and he insisted he needs proper craft paper, but once we started, it proved to be one of the most enjoyable activity we had, where he could "just do it" working on his own without any help and we ended up spending a good few hours cutting and arranging the colourful pieces
of papers.
I am sure this is fun for any kid from 3-4 years of age... up to ...any age. I found it as relaxing and fun myself as little Bear.
Can you guess what we used the craft paper for? This picture helps and we will reveal it in another post soon!