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Picasso faces

Bear's Mum

This project is again inspired by the art of Picasso.

His name was first introduced to our little Bear in one of his favourite books, "The day the crayons came home" by Oliver Jeffers.

Picasso's famous quote is mentioned there: "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up".

I am not sure of the answer, but one thing is for sure: when little Bear is creating art, he does not know any rules, any do's and don't, he is just using his imagination. And this project is especially great for that.

At the beginning, we looked at a few Picasso portraits again, talked about how he was painting faces from different angles on one portrait and how he used geometric shapes, which approach was called cubism.

Then we cut out lots of eyes, lips, ears and noses from old magazines and we used them them to create faces.

Little Bear decided not to have a certain person in mind, just created faces of his own imagination. He drew a head (sometimes even a frame around it) and populated the face with the cut-out's. He used a pencil to draw some add ons as well.

He ignored the rules of two eyes only, noses looking down, eyes sitting beside each other... and he found this freedom of art making absolutely amusing.

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