This is a great project for busy parents, because it takes a few minutes preparation from the parent, but it entertains the little Bears for a long time.
The secret is, that if you write with a white wax crayon on a white paper, it is invisible, but once you start painting on it with colours, it becomes visible, because the paint does not stick on or colour the paper where the crayon writing is.
So I have written a word with the white crayon in one of the evenings on an A4 sheet when little Bear was already asleep and next day I have told him that it is a secret letter which can be seen only when painted on.
The smaller brush you give to Bear, the longer keeps her/him busy!
You can write longer texts also or make a drawing or use small letters so it really needs to be found on the paper.
After finding the letters, little Bear decorated further the paper and afterwards he turned around this game and he started to write letters to me. This small idea entertained him for the whole day! Here are some of the letters we made...